South Pole and Yook forge strategic cooperation to market automated life cycle assessments

Yook, the trailblazing sustainability software company, and South Pole, a global sustainability solutions provider, will cooperate to deliver on the growing need of companies to assess their product environmental footprint at scale.

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Yook, the trailblazing sustainability software company, and South Pole, a global sustainability solutions provider, will cooperate to deliver on the growing need of companies to assess their product environmental footprint at scale.

This strategic cooperation brings together the cutting-edge product environmental footprinting software of Yook and the extensive sustainability expertise of South Pole, creating a future-ready partnership to serve best-in-class solutions to industry leaders worldwide.

While most companies have understood the need to act on climate change, 63% of companies still don´t have a grip on their Scope 3 emissions according to the Carbon Disclosure Project (2023) and a global study by the European Commission in 2021 found that at least 59% of brands and manufacturers miss the numbers to back up their green claims. Yet, the overwhelming majority (92%) of emissions disclosed by European companies in 2022 were Scope 3, with the use of sold products (57%) cited as companies' key hotspots. It's obvious that full-scope assessments for companies with large portfolios and complex supply chains need new approaches to help them go beyond tedious data collection projects and enter a value-driving path towards actual decarbonisation. Empowering companies to use data-driven carbon insights on their extensive products and purchased goods while ensuring regulatory compliance is no longer a dream thanks to South Pole´s cooperation with digital life cycle assessment (LCA) solution provider Yook.

South Pole, a global sustainability solutions provider, has a proven track record of empowering businesses to navigate the complexities of climate change. With a rich history and a global reach, South Pole is committed to driving positive environmental and social impact. The expertise spans from carbon reduction projects, renewable energy solutions and comprehensive sustainability strategies.

Yook is a pioneering tech company, specialised in developing state-of-the-art software to measure, manage, reduce and disclose the environmental impact of products. Their innovative SaaS suite streamlines the complexities of identifying and mitigating hotspots along value chains, utilising automated, intelligent data collection and assessments. Yook's digital LCA software ensures companies can navigate upcoming regulations with ease and focus their efforts on the decarbonisation of their products.

The Powerhouse Partnership

The cooperation between Yook and South Pole is a strategic move to combine the innovative prowess of Yook with South Pole's extensive sustainability knowledge and reach. The synergy between these two entities creates a unique and powerful force, enhancing the capabilities of businesses to lead in the ever-evolving landscape of climate innovation. It navigates through existing and upcoming regulatory requirements such as CSRD (Scope 3), EU PEF (Product Environmental Footprints), CBAM (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism), EU Green Claims Directive and Sustainable Products Initiative as well as industry-specific product environmental footprint frameworks.

Key Reasons for Collaboration
  • Comprehensive Sustainability Solutions: The collaboration leverages Yook's cutting-edge technology to complement South Pole's existing decarbonisation services, offering clients a holistic suite of sustainability solutions.
  • Decoding Value Chain Complexity: Yook's ability to calculate product carbon footprints in seconds addresses a critical gap in the market. This aligns seamlessly with South Pole's commitment to unravelling the complexities of Scope 3 emissions, which account for a substantial percentage of total emissions, and to drive decarbonisation initiatives for their global clients.
  • Informed Decision-Making: Yook's platform provides businesses with reliable and detailed carbon information for products, offering valuable insights for informed decision-making. This aligns with South Pole's dedication to supporting clients in making sustainable choices along their value chains.
  • Speed and Efficiency: The cooperation promises swift results, with initial scope projects delivering within weeks and based on existing data available instead of lengthy, manual data collection processes. This ensures that businesses can enact impactful change without sacrificing speed or efficiency.

The Future of Climate Innovation Begins Here

The Yook and South Pole cooperation marks a powerful leap forward in climate innovation.

Franziska Sinner, Senior Director of Climate Strategies of South Pole says: “We are excited about this partnership as it enables us to offer a solution for standardised and digital environmental impact measurement of any product portfolio- a necessary first step for every company to integrate impacts into strategic decisions about their future product portfolios."

Varena Junge, CEO of Yook says: “Expanding South Pole's range of sustainability services with our automated LCA software, leveraging latest technology advancements, empowers companies to deliver on the impact needed - which is the essence of this amazing cooperation!"

Together, they are set to empower businesses with the tools, knowledge and insights needed to make a lasting impact on the environment. As the world navigates the challenges of a rapidly changing climate, Yook and South Pole are ready to lead the charge towards a sustainable and resilient future.

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